Podcast Downtown Walking TourPodcast Tour BrochureRead more
Podcast Downtown Walking TourPodcast Tour BrochureRead more
Faribault Mural Society Using public visual art as a force to enhance the local economy through building community pride and promoting tourism in Faribault. Phone(507) 334-4381 Websitefaribaultmn.orgRead more
Alexander Faribault House Address: 1814 2nd Ave NW, Faribault, MN 55021 Phone: (507) 332-2121 Website: rchistory.orgRead more
Cathedral of Our Merciful Saviour There are two spaces available to rent, call for booking information. Cathedral of Our Merciful Saviour was the first Episcopal church in the US to be built as a cathedral. Building started in 1862 and was completed in 1869. Many groups and individuals interested in the First Cathedral’s historic significance visit eachRead more
Faribault Mill Address: 1500 2nd Ave NW, Faribault, MN 55021 Phone: (507) 412-5510 Website: faribaultmill.comRead more
MN State Academies for the Deaf The Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf in collaboration with students, families and school districts creates a comprehensive, learning and signing community in a residential environment. MSAD prepares deaf and hard of hearing students to reach their fullest potential by promoting communicative, intellectual, social, physical, and emotional development inRead more
Rice County Historical Society Phone(507) 332-2121 Websiterchistory.org Address1814 2nd Ave NW, Faribault, MN 55021Read more
Shattuck – St. Mary’s School Phone(507) 333-1500 Websites-sm.org Address1000 Shumway Ave, Faribault, MN 55021Read more
Local: (507) 334-4381
Email: Chamber@Faribaultmn.org